But it does not offer extra protection against privileged system attacks resultant from the host. Whenever Windows Defender Credential Guard is set up on a virtual machine, it is observed that the Windows Defender Credential Guard defends secrets from attacks within the virtual machine. What are the disadvantages of Credential Guard? You must include Device Guard and a few other security tactics and architectures. On the other hand, Credential Guard is effective mitigation, so continual threat attacks will probably move to new attack techniques. The malware executing in the OS with administrative privileges could not access secrets that are being protected by virtualization depended on security. Securing derived domain credentials making use of the virtualization depended on security chunks the credential theft attack methods and tools utilized in several targeted attacks. Enhanced protection against the latest persistent threats: Hardware security:Ĭredential Guard enhances the safety of the derived domain credentials by making the most of platform security features that include virtualization and secure boot. Those Windows services which handle derived domain credentials and few other secrets execute in a protected environment which is secluded from the operating system.
What are the features of Credential Guard? Virtualization-based security: